Tankguard Storage

Tankguard Storage

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A two-pack polyamine cured novolac epoxy tank lining with excellent chemical resistance. It can be used as primer, mid coat or finish coat in atmospheric and immersed environments. Suitable for properly prepared carbon steel, stainless steel, and concrete substrates.

Typical use: As internal lining for offshore, onshore and buried tanks and pipes such as chemical storage, waste water, grey water, process water, concrete bund, fire service lines and drilling mud tanks. Can be used in pressure vessels. This coating has very good resistance to high temperature products.

Available in Light Grey, Light Red and Red, in 18.8 L packs. Note; Colours are approximations and are not matched. Slight batch deviations will be observed.


  • Surface preparation    Minimum Sa 2.5
  • Application    Airless spray recommended
  • Induction time at 23 C    20 minutes
  • Pot life at 23 C    4 hours
  • Surface dry at 23 C    4 hours
  • Dried / cured for service at 23° C    7 days
  • Dried / cured for immersion    30 days

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    Tankguard Storage